Jan 31, 2025

Learning how to ask for help in a new language is an essential part of communication, especially when you’re traveling or living abroad. Whether you’re visiting Japan, studying the language, or working with native speakers, knowing how to express that you need assistance is crucial. In Japanese, there are multiple ways to ask for help, depending on the situation, formality, and level of urgency.Let’s dive into the most common and effective ways to say "help" in Japanese, along with some practical examples and tips to use them naturally in everyday conversations.
1. 助けてください (Tasukete Kudasai) – Please Help Me
This is one of the most straightforward ways to ask for help in Japanese. It’s polite, respectful, and can be used in almost any situation where you need assistance.
Example: "この荷物を運ぶのを手伝ってください。 (Kono nimotsu o hakobu no o tetsudatte kudasai.)"
Translation: "Please help me carry this luggage."Usage: You would use Tasukete Kudasai in most scenarios where you need a helping hand. It's polite, but also direct enough that it gets the message across without confusion.
2. 助けて (Tasukete) – Help!
If you're in a more urgent or emergency situation, you can drop the polite ending kudasai to make it more immediate and dramatic. Tasukete is simply the verb "to help" in the imperative form. It's commonly used in urgent situations.
Example: "火事です!助けて! (Kaji desu! Tasukete!)"
Translation: "It's a fire! Help!"Usage: This is a less formal expression that’s often used in emergency situations. If you're in a hurry or under stress, this is a go-to phrase that gets attention fast.
3. 手伝ってもらえますか (Tetsudatte moraemasu ka?) – Can You Help Me?
This phrase is more polite and is commonly used when asking for help in a formal setting. Tetsudatte comes from the verb 手伝う (tetsudau), which means "to assist," and もらえますか (moraemasu ka) adds a polite request form.
Example: "この書類を整理してもらえますか? (Kono shorui o seiri shite moraemasu ka?)"
Translation: "Could you help me organize these documents?"Usage: You’ll use this phrase when you need help in a more professional or formal setting, like in the workplace or when speaking to someone older than you.
4. 助けてくれる? (Tasukete Kureru?) – Will You Help Me?
This phrase is slightly more casual and is often used when you're asking someone who you have a close relationship with, like a friend or family member, for help. It’s less formal than Tasukete Kudasai, but still polite enough.
Example: "パソコンが壊れちゃった。助けてくれる? (Pasokon ga kowarechatta. Tasukete kureru?)"
Translation: "My computer broke. Will you help me?"Usage: This is a good phrase to use with friends or acquaintances in informal settings.
5. 何か手伝えることはありますか (Nanika tetsudaeru koto wa arimasu ka?) – Is There Anything I Can Do to Help?
If you're offering help rather than asking for it, this is a polite and thoughtful way to ask if there's anything you can do for someone. This can also be used in a situation where you're trying to be helpful.
Example: "何か手伝えることはありますか? (Nanika tetsudaeru koto wa arimasu ka?)"
Translation: "Is there anything I can do to help?"Usage: This is commonly used when you want to offer assistance, and it's polite enough for both professional and personal settings.
6. 困っています (Komatte imasu) – I'm in Trouble
While not directly asking for help, Komatte imasu is a great way to express that you need assistance because you're in a difficult situation. It literally translates to “I’m in trouble,” and is useful for letting someone know you're in a bind.
Example: "財布を家に忘れてきました。困っています。 (Saifu o ie ni wasuretekimashita. Komatte imasu.)"
Translation: "I forgot my wallet at home. I’m in trouble."Usage: This is often followed by a request for help, such as "助けてください (Tasukete kudasai)." It’s a polite way to express distress and can prompt a kind response.
7. 手を貸してもらえますか (Te o kashite moraemasu ka?) – Can You Lend Me a Hand?
This phrase is useful for asking for help with a task, especially when you’re dealing with something physical or needing extra hands for an activity.
Example: "この大きな箱を運ぶのに手を貸してもらえますか? (Kono ookina hako o hakobu no ni te o kashite moraemasu ka?)"
Translation: "Can you lend me a hand with carrying this large box?"Usage: This is a polite and slightly more specific way of requesting help, ideal when the task requires assistance from another person.
8. 手伝ってくれると嬉しいです (Tetsudatte kureru to ureshii desu) – I Would Be Happy if You Could Help Me
If you want to soften the request and make it sound even more polite or friendly, you can use this phrase. It adds a layer of gratitude and expresses your appreciation.
Example: "もし手伝ってくれると嬉しいです。 (Moshi tetsudatte kureru to ureshii desu.)"
Translation: "I would be happy if you could help me."Usage: This is a great phrase to use when asking someone for help but still wanting to sound polite and humble.
Conclusion: Mastering the Art of Asking for Help in Japanese
Being able to ask for help in Japanese with the right phrases can make your language learning journey smoother and more enjoyable. Whether you’re in an emergency, need a hand with a task, or simply want to be polite in asking, the phrases above will ensure you communicate effectively in any situation.
Remember to adjust your level of formality based on the context and the person you're speaking to. Practicing these phrases will help you build confidence when speaking Japanese, whether you're in Japan, at work, or chatting with Japanese friends online.
Start practicing today and watch how your ability to ask for help in Japanese improves!